Conditions we Treat

Headaches & migraines

Chiropractors can diagnose, and manage headaches. Current evidence suggests that chiropractic care, including manual therapy, can be effective in treating cervicogenic and tension headaches.

Frequent Headaches or migraines

Pain in the neck and shoulder that varies in intensity, and may feel achy or like sudden shock from the neck.

Neck pain
Chiropractic care revolves around
Low back pain

Low back pain can be treated by a chiropractor performing adjustment to the lumbar spine.

Low back pain

With techniques such as spinal decompression, sciatica pain can be relieved.

Herniated Disc

Chiropractic care has been proven to be an effective treatment for bulging disc and the associated pain.

Herniated Disc
Numbness, Tingling in the arms

Chiropractor can address arm pain, tingling and numbness is a way that is often overlooked by physicians.

Numbness/Tingling in the arms
Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel is a specific diagnosis that describes a condition in which one of the nerves in your wrist, the median nerve, is compressed by structures of the wrist. This can cause pain , weakness, numbness in the hand.

Carpal Tunnel

Chiropractic adjustment or manipulations may help alleviate vertigo and dizziness.

Shoulder Pain, Stiffness

Special chiropractic methods can be used to realign the musculoskeletal system to completely heal most shoulder pains.

Shoulder Pain / Stiffness

Failure to treat your auto accident injury can result in chronic pain that could last for months or years.

Auto Accident

Mobile Chiropractic Services

Experience the Future of Chiropractic Wellness! Step into a new era of chiropractic care with our mobile services. Say goodbye to traffic woes, waiting rooms, and parking hassles. We're here to deliver care directly to you, whether it's your home or office. Make the shift towards convenience – no more commuting required. Discover the comfort of chiropractic treatments tailored to your surroundings.
Reach out to us today or schedule a consultation to explore the ways we can enhance your well-being through our innovative mobile chiropractic services.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care revolves around enhancing individuals' well-being by focusing on the spine. The roots of chiropractic practice extend back over a century, while for centuries prior, physicians had been addressing spinal health.
Do you currently experience arthritis or degeneration? That's absolutely fine. Adjustments won't erase these conditions (as nothing can), but they will facilitate improved bodily function – which is our ultimate goal. Enhanced function translates to better movement, rest, and overall wellness.
Chiropractic care offers its benefits to a range of discomforts, including tension, sinus, and migraine headaches, along with neck stiffness, mid-back pain, lower back discomfort, disc problems, sciatica, sports injuries, and the aftermath of car accidents.

Chiropractic Care

While chiropractic is indeed effective, it's not a magical solution. While exceptional stories exist of immediate relief, these instances are exceptions, not the rule. Recognize that if you've been dealing with a longstanding issue, the treatment process requires time for your body to transform. Just as a person out of shape can't expect immediate fitness after a single gym session, lasting change demands patience.
It all begins with a no-cost consultation to determine if chiropractic is the right fit for you. Get in touch with us at 508-627-2342.
What's the next step? A valid question. If, following your consultation, it's agreed that we can assist, a comprehensive examination will follow to identify issues and their extent. Advanced imaging such as x-rays or MRIs may be necessary before proceeding with treatment. This decision will be tailored to your unique situation.
"There's no better time than now!" If your back is struggling, it's time to take action. Call us today to schedule your no-cost consultation and find out if chiropractic care is the right path for you! Reach us at 508-627-2342.

How it works ?

New Patient or Member Special


No-Cost Consultation

You might have questions or concerns before deciding to schedule a treatment visit.
That's wonderful! We've established a complimentary consultation opportunity to help you determine if chiropractic care aligns with your needs.
All you need to do is contact our office to arrange a suitable time, complete the necessary paperwork online, and we'll take it from there.


If, following your consultation, it appears that our assistance could be beneficial, we will proceed with an evaluation of your spinal condition.
Please opt for comfortable attire, as we'll be assessing your range of motion, and there's no need for medical gowning. The examination fee amounts to $149.
In situations where your concerns align well with chiropractic care, I will conduct a thorough examination.
Occasionally, it becomes evident during the consultation that my chiropractic office might not be the optimal fit for your needs.
In such instances, I will be more than willing to refer you to a more suitable avenue for assistance.


Ultimately, if following your consultation and comprehensive examination we determine that you're a suitable candidate for care, we will initiate the treatment process.
Typically, this begins on the first day, unless advanced imaging such as x-rays or MRIs is necessary.  The cost for a chiropractic adjustment is $49.

Future Visits

Chiropractic care yields impressive results, yet it's important to understand that it's not a magical solution.
In certain cases, consistent chiropractic sessions might be necessary across several weeks or even months, contingent upon the extent of the issue.
Following your examination, we will have an in-depth conversation about your treatment plan and the associated payment details.


Having insurance is not a requirement for receiving chiropractic care. However, if your insurance policy covers chiropractic services,
we can provide you with receipts that you can use to submit a request for reimbursement.
It's important to note that the contract exists between you and your insurance company.
We are not a party to that contract, so we cannot guarantee payment, timing,
or the specific amount covered.

Contact Us

Do not hesitate to contact us and you will receive an answer as soon as possible.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression

Confront the truth: pills have fallen short and exercises offer fleeting relief, if any. The prospect of surgery is daunting, with the recovery process consuming weeks or even months. Even with insurance, the looming bills can be overwhelming. "Are there any other options?"
In all honesty, there are few—until now. After years of diligent research by teams of neurosurgeons and scientists, a breakthrough has emerged. The wait is over. A painless, non-surgical treatment has arrived, aimed at re-inflating flattened discs, alleviating nerve pressure, and ending your pain. This revolutionary method effectively reverses years of "wear and tear" on your spine, serving as a crucial tool to sidestep back surgery.
Our approach fuses cutting-edge research with time-honored treatments, delivering remarkable results faster than ever before.  

Spinal Decompression

Picture this:
relaxing on a comfortable table within a serene, softly lit room, accompanied by calming music. As your back is gently and gradually relieved of discomfort, the process unfolds over roughly 20 minutes. You might even drift into relaxation, only to awaken at the end, realizing your back pain has vanished.
This signifies the new era of innovative technology—Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression. This updated therapy blends the latest research and expertise at a fraction of the traditional cost.
A recent study on Low Back Surgery unveiled a mere 20% success rate after two years. In contrast, Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is hailed as "highly successful" for chronic lower back pain, sciatica, bulging or herniated discs, and arthritis.

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Wafo Chiropratic Clinic